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10 Strongest Grass-Type Pokémon in Pokémon GO

10 Strongest Grass-Type Pokémon in Pokémon GO

As one of the three main starter types in the Pokémon franchise, it’s no surprise that Grass-types are both fan favorites and powerful options in Pokémon GO. That being said, with many options to choose from and different goals for every player, it can be hard to determine which Grass Pokémon are the ones worth putting in the effort to catch, evolve, or trade.

While not every Pokémon is available in Pokémon Go, there are still hundreds to choose from, with more being added consistently through updates or limited-time events. Unfortunately, as might be expected, the more powerful the Pokémon, the harder it is to acquire, with several of these being limited to trading if you missed the events where they were available.



The Psychic/Grass Mythical

Unlike some of the other Mythical or Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Go, Celebi is not limited to any specific limited-time event but is a guaranteed catch for every player. To catch Celebi in Pokémon Go, all you need to do is complete the associated Research Task, A Ripple in Time. This research line will be unlocked after completing the Mythical Discovery special research, where you can catch Mew in Pokémon Go.


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Although Celebi isn’t the best grass Pokémon in the game, it is still great, especially for PvE purposes. Additionally, the availability of this Pokémon plays a big factor here, as it doesn’t matter how strong a Pokémon is if you have nearly zero chance of obtaining it. Using the fast attack Magical Leaf and the charge attack Leaf Storm, Celebi will make an excellent Grass addition to any team, especially as a placeholder while you work on acquiring one of the rare ones.



The Gen 9 Grass Starter

A recent but powerful addition to the Grass Pokémon lineup in Pokémon Go is Meowscarada, the Gen 9 Grass starter. Not only is Sprigatito available via a special research task, but it was just featured on January 2025’s Community Day, meaning it’s likely that you not only have Sprigatito but have earned enough candy to fully evolve it into Meowscarada.


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Meowscarada is another Grass Pokémon great for PvE use, especially with the fast attack Leafage and the charge attack Grass Knot. Similarly to Celebi, this probably isn’t the Grass-type you would want to settle for in the long run, but it is a great and accessible placeholder still incredibly powerful.



The Gen 6 Grass Starter

Yet another strong Grass Pokémon Starter worth spending time evolving is Chesnaught. Like Meowscarada, Chesnaught’s base form, Chespin, was featured as a Community Day Pokémon in January 2023. This means if you have been playing for at least the last few years have likely already acquired this Pokémon and fully evolved it.

Chespin was featured as a hatchable Pokémon during December 2024’s Catch-A-Thon, and if you managed to hatch one during this event, Frenzy Plant was one of the featured exclusive moves.

While Chesnaught and Meowscarada are fairly equal in strength in Pokémon Go, Chesnaught’s Grass/Fighting typing is just a bit more versatile than Meowscarada’s Grass/Dark typing. Utilizing Chesnaught with the fast attack Vine Whip and the charge attack Frenzy Plant makes for an excellent Grass addition to your Pokémon Go team.



The Gen 4 Grass/Poison Pokémon

Roserade crosses an obstacle on a beam in the Pokémon anime.

While Roserade isn’t a generation starter, it’s still an incredibly powerful Pokémon that typically has several opportunities for catching throughout the year. Unlike others on this list, Roselia is a frequent spawn in the wild, which is even better as they won’t have to start with the base form, Budew, and can instead start the evolution process at Stage 1.

The recommended moves for Roserade are Magical Leaf and Grass Knot, but many players also opt for Solar Beam, which is a great alternative.

Roserade’s dual typing resists several common typings, such as Grass, Water, Electric, and more. Perhaps the only major downside to trying to get Roserade for battles is that it requires an evolution stone and 100 candies to evolve. While the candies are easy enough to come by, several Pokémon require Sinnoh Stones, so you are likely to be short on those.


Shadow Tangrowth

The Grass Damage Dealer

Tangrowth Pokemon Go

While newer Pokémon Go players may be quick to purify their Shadow Pokémon as there are a plethora of benefits to purifying them, including an increase in CP and a lowered evolution cost, it can be a mistake. Some may not realize that Shadow Pokémon also has its own benefits, including a 20% increase in damage. While they also take an extra percentage of damage, most players agree that the benefits outweigh the risks.


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Although it isn’t beneficial to keep every Pokémon in Shadow Form, if you’re planning to use them specifically as part of the team for battles, the Shadow Form is a way to give your Grass Pokémon a bit of an edge. The easiest way to obtain a Shadow Tangrowth is simply to acquire a Shadow Tangela from a Team Rocket Grunt and evolve it. Furthermore, you’ll want to ensure you’re utilizing the moveset Vine Whip and Power Whip for the offensive combo.



The Dark/Grass-Type

Zarude, rare mythical Pokémon, from Generation 8

Zarude is similar to Tangrowth in strength, and the recommended moveset is the same with a combo of Vine Whip and Power Whip. That being said, what gives Zarude the edge over Shadow Tangrowth is the dual typing. While Tangrowth is a mono Grass-type Pokémon, Zarude’s dual typing of Grass/Dark provides it additional resistance in battle.


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Unfortunately, the only downside to Zarude is that it isn’t as easily obtainable as Tangrowth. To catch Zarude in Pokémon Go, you will need to complete the Rogue of the Jungle Special Research. This was a limited-time research in which you were required to log in during a specific time to gain access. While there was no deadline for completing it, just starting it, those who did not acquire this special research task will unfortunately only be able to get Zarude through trading or a future event.


Shaymin (Sky)

The Flying/Grass-type

Pokemon Shaymin Sky Form

Yet another mythical Pokémon in Pokémon Go that is worth adding to your team is Shaymin, specifically the Sky Form. Similarly to some of the other mythical Pokémon in Pokémon Go, Shaymin can be acquired through special research, but it will require additional candy to change its form.


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While Shaymin’s Sky Form wasn’t particularly significant a few years ago, a moveset update in 2023 significantly bumped it into a respectable Grass Pokémon. With Shaymin now being able to learn Magical Leaf and Grass Knot, this small, adorable mythical Pokémon is something to fear in battles.


Mega Venusaur

The Original Grass Starter

Going back to the start, Venusaur is not only the nostalgic choice but one of the best Grass additions to any team. Not only is Venusaur significantly easy to come by, but plenty of recent events have featured it and its base form, Bulbasaur. That being said, while Venusaur is an excellent option for a Grass Pokémon, Mega Venusaur is the clear option for any PvE or PvP battles.

Frenzy Plant is considered a Legacy Move, meaning it can only be acquired automatically through special events or an Elite Charged TM.

With its Grass-/Poison-typing, Mega Venusaur offers great resistance to several common types and becomes an unstoppable force to be reckoned with when paired with the moveset Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant. Unfortunately, you’ll need Mega Energy to Mega evolve the Venusaur for the first time, which can be the most challenging part about acquiring this Pokémon.



The Grass/Steel Ultra Beast


As Ultra Beasts made their way into Pokémon Go, you gained the opportunity to catch what is undoubtedly one of the best Grass Pokémon in the entire game. Unfortunately, Kartana was initially available via raids, meaning that those who were not around for the raids will either have to wait for another potential event or find someone to trade with.


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If you are one of the lucky few who managed to grab Kartana while it was available, equipping it with Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade will ensure you have a Grass Pokémon ready to steamroll through almost any opponent. Furthermore, because of its Grass/Steel typing, it has unique resistance that few other Grass Pokémon in the game can offer.


Mega Sceptile

The Gen 3 Grass Starter

Mega Sceptile from Pokmeon anime

While Kartana is an incredible Grass-type, there is one that stands to rival its strength, and that’s Mega Sceptile. This Gen 3 Grass Starter, in its Mega Form in Pokémon Go, is the best Grass Pokémon you can catch for the PvE and PvP teams. Not only that, but it is significantly easier to acquire than the majority of options on this list, making it not only powerful but accessible.


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The Dragon dual typing only adds to Mega Sceptile’s strength, and when paired with the Bullet Seed and Frenzy Plant moves, this Pokémon becomes a monster that only a handful of Pokémon in Pokémon Go can hope to stand a chance against. Unfortunately, the only downside again here is having to Mega Evolve Sceptile if you don’t acquire a Mega Evolved one through raids, which is one of the only ways to get Frenzy Plant since it’s a Legacy Move.

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