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10 Best Quotes From The Incredible Hulk Animated Series

10 Best Quotes From The Incredible Hulk Animated Series

The Incredible Hulk animated series brought a mix of action, emotion, and humor to television, delivering numerous quotable moments along the way. The Incredible Hulk depicted Marvel’s eponymous Green Goliath, solidifying itself as one of the more memorable Marvel animated shows of the 1990s. With strong writing, dynamic characters, and intense drama, the series proffered a litany of memorable dialogue, from She-Hulk’s sharp wit to the Leader’s over-the-top villainy.

The Incredible Hulk followed Bruce Banner’s struggles with his monstrous alter ego while featuring an exciting supporting cast, including She-Hulk, Rick Jones, and even guest appearances from other Marvel heroes. The dialogue often blended clever wordplay with deep emotion, making certain lines stand out. These quotes provide a glimpse into the sharp writing and characterization that made the series beloved by audiences, and demonstrate why it has such a legacy that it rivals the Hulk’s depiction in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


“Well, My Green Heels Are Dragging And My Green Eyes Are Bailing. I’d Say I’ve Had Better Days.”

She-Hulk To Bruce In Season 2, Episode 2 “Down Memory Lane”

In ”Down Memory Lane,” She-Hulk’s powers are weakening, causing her to slowly revert to her human form. As she notices her green eyes fading to brown, she becomes visibly worried about the consequences. Meanwhile, Bruce Banner is constructing a Gamma Particle Detector to stabilize her condition. After waking up in a treehouse following a Hulk transformation, Bruce asks She-Hulk how she’s holding up, to which she responds with her dry wit: “Well, my green heels are dragging, and my green eyes are bailing. I’d say I’ve had better days.”


Hulk’s 10 Most Iconic Scenes In The MCU, Ranked

Though frequently sideline in the MCU, the Hulk has delivered some of the most iconic and memorable moments in the franchise’s history.

This quote showcases She-Hulk’s trademark humor, even in moments of distress. Rather than wallowing in fear, she delivers a self-deprecating, witty remark that captures her resilience. It also highlights her awareness of her identity and how much she values her powers. Her sarcastic delivery adds levity to an otherwise tense situation, making the scene both memorable and entertaining.


“Rick And I Got Into a Little Fracas With A Very Confused Green-Eyed Monster. And We’re Not Talking Jealousy.”

Tony Stark To Bruce Banner In Season 1, Episode 4 “Helping Hand, Iron Fist”

In “Helping Hand, Iron Fist,” Bruce Banner finds himself in a disoriented state after an intense Hulk transformation. While trying to contact Tony Stark in California, he inadvertently attacks both Rick Jones and Iron Man due to his amnesia. Eventually, he regains control and transforms back into Bruce, waking up in Tony’s headquarters. Still groggy, Bruce asks Tony what happened, prompting Stark to quip, “Rick and I got into a little fracas with a very confused green-eyed monster. And we’re not talking jealousy.”


10 Most Underrated Episodes Of The Original Animated Hulk Show

Many episodes of The Incredible Hulk animated series have received critical acclaim, but some of the very best episodes are often overlooked.

This line perfectly embodies Tony Stark’s signature wit. His ability to make light of even the most dangerous situations is a defining trait, and this quip reflects that effortlessly. The clever wordplay on “green-eyed monster” – a phrase commonly associated with jealousy – adds an extra layer of humor. It also underscores the dynamic between Stark and Banner, showing how Iron Man handles Bruce’s transformations with both concern and sharp sarcasm.


“Oh Great, Grey Hulk’s Here. No Doubt With the Grace Of A Hippo on Ice…”

She-Hulk To Herself In Season 2, Episode 8 “Mission Incredible”

“Mission Incredible” saw Bruce Banner, She-Hulk, and Betty Brandt embark on a stealth mission to stop a dangerous new S.H.I.E.L.D. weapon. During the mission, Bruce Banner lowers himself down into the depths of a facility using a rope. Unfortunately, the rope snaps, triggering his transformation into Grey Hulk. She-Hulk, monitoring the situation, sarcastically mutters to herself, “Oh great, Grey Hulk’s here. No doubt with the grace of a hippo on ice…”

This quote is another perfect example of She-Hulk’s sharp humor in The Incredible Hulk. Unlike Bruce’s usual Hulk form, Grey Hulk is known for being less predictable and more arrogant. Her comment highlights both his lack of finesse and the frustration that comes with his unpredictable nature. The simile “like a hippo on ice” makes the line even funnier, painting a vivid image of the Grey Hulk’s clumsy movements.


“I Spared Myself The Indignity Of The Hulk’s Purple Trousers. I Am Now Dressed To Kill.”

The Leader To Gargoyle In Season 1, Episode 12 “Darkness And Light: Part 2”

In one of the Incredible Hulk’s most unique moments, the Leader successfully transfers his consciousness into the Hulk’s body, giving him immense power. As he admires his new form in “Darkness and Light,” he delivers a flamboyant and amusing remark: “I spared myself the indignity of the Hulk’s purple trousers. I am now dressed to kill.” It’s a rare moment where a villain reflects on their fashion sense while celebrating their victory.

This Incredible Hulk quote is memorable because it blends humor, arrogance, and style all at once. The Leader, usually known for his cold, calculating nature, shows an unexpected flair for theatrics here. By mocking the Hulk’s iconic purple pants, he adds an element of vanity to his villainy. The phrase “dressed to kill” adds a camp and ironic touch, making it one of the most quotable lines in the series.


“Ho Ho! Please! I’d Rather Listen To ‘Hulk Smash, Hulk Bash’ Than To Hear That Moldy Mantra One More Time.”

Gargoyle To Leader In Season 2, Episode 2 “Down Memory Lane”

Gargoyle quote with Leader in the background in The Incredible Hulk the Animated Series

During a video call with the Leader in “Down Memory Lane,” Gargoyle becomes irritated when his superior reiterates his obsessive mission to capture Bruce Banner. The Leader, exasperated by Gargoyle’s preoccupation with She-Hulk, begins to assert his authority with his signature catchphrase, “So says the Leader,” before Gargoyle cuts him off with the biting remark, “Ho ho! Please! I’d rather listen to “Hulk smash, Hulk bash” than to hear that moldy mantra one more time.”

This quote is a prime example of the show’s self-awareness and humor. Gargoyle’s remark mocks the Leader’s predictable nature while simultaneously embracing the series’ campy, over-the-top villain dialogue. It also highlights Gargoyle’s evolving personality – though he remains a villain, his comedic elements make him more entertaining than threatening. His wit and impatience contrast Leader’s self-serious demeanor, making for an amusing exchange that stands out among The Incredible Hulk’s many villainous monologs.


“Stone Lucky. Not Hurt… Like Hulk.”

Hulk To A Stone Gargoyle In Season 1, Episode 5 “Innocent Blood”

After an intense battle against Ghost Rider, Hulk is left emotionally shattered by Rick and Betty’s cruel words – words designed to keep him angry and subsequently burn out a toxin that would kill him in his human form. However, after he is cured and they explain, Hulk struggles to understand and remains deeply hurt by their statements. Hulk isolates himself on a rooftop, staring at a stone gargoyle as he mutters the heartbreaking line “Stone lucky. Not hurt… like Hulk.”


10 Most Important Hulk Scenes In The MCU That Happened Off-Screen, Ranked

The most important events to have happened to Hulk throughout the MCU’s history have happened between movies, and I’m furious about it.

In that moment, Hulk relates to the unmoving statue, which cannot feel pain, betrayal, or loneliness the way he does. It is one of the most poignant lines in The Incredible Hulk, perfectly capturing Hulk’s sorrow and alienation. Despite his immense power, he is emotionally fragile, hurt by the people he cares for most. The simple language reinforces Hulk’s childlike sadness, making the moment even more tragic.


“Hulk’s Job:… Hug Betty.”

Hulk To General Ross In Season 1, Episode 10 “And The Wind Cries… Wendigo”

the incredible hulk animated series, general ross arguing with the hulk

When Betty is kidnapped by Wendigo in “And the Wind Cries… Wendigo,” Hulk and General Ross are forced to work together. Ross, ever the military man, urges Hulk to focus on the mission at hand. When Ross tells him to do his job, Hulk replies with this unexpectedly heartfelt line, emphasizing that, in his mind, his main purpose isn’t destruction – it’s to be with Betty. Ross laughs, dismissing Hulk’s sentimentality, further highlighting how little he understands the creature he has spent years chasing.

This quote is a brilliant subversion of expectations in The Incredible Hulk. While most people assume Hulk’s only concern is smashing, his simple yet powerful statement shows that his true motivation is love. It adds depth to his character and reinforces his emotional connection to Betty, one of the series’ most touching dynamics. The humor in Ross’s reaction also enhances the scene, making it both endearing and ironic.


“Oh, That Wasn’t Angry. Seeing My Angry Isn’t Something You’d Be Likely To Forget.”

Bruce Banner To Jennifer Walters In Season 1, Episode 7 “Doomed”

After fending off a Doombot attack in “Doomed,” a pre-She-Hulk Jennifer is awed by Bruce’s power, remarking that she has never seen him so angry before. In response, Bruce delivers this ominous line, warning her that what she witnessed was nothing compared to his true rage. His calm yet firm delivery makes it clear that even his loved ones don’t fully grasp the depth of his anger.


After 17 Years, I’m Convinced These 10 Major Hulk Characters Need To Appear In The MCU Now More Than Ever

With Hulk being repeatedly sidelined in the MCU, some of his most iconic characters haven’t appeared in the franchise, even though they’d flourish

This quote perfectly encapsulates the duality of Bruce Banner and the Hulk in The Incredible Hulk. It serves as both a foreshadowing of his uncontrollable fury and a subtle reminder of the burden he carries. Unlike other moments where Hulk’s sadness is emphasized, this one leans into the sheer terror of his anger, reinforcing why Bruce constantly struggles to keep it at bay. The line is chilling, delivered with quiet intensity that lingers in the viewer’s mind.


“Oh, Yes, Yes, I Forgot. A Very Left-Brain Personality. Well, Let Me Put This In Little Bitty Words For You.”

Dr. Doom To Hulk In Season 1, Episode 7 “Doomed”

When Hulk storms into Dr. Doom’s headquarters to rescue Jennifer in “Doomed,” the villain condescendingly remarks that there was a doorbell outside. Hulk responds in his usual fashion, “Hulk smash!” to which Doom smirks and delivers this scathing retort, mocking Hulk’s perceived lack of intelligence: “Oh, yes, yes, I forgot. A very left-brain personality. Well, let me put this in little bitty words for you.”

This line highlights Doom’s calculating and manipulative nature. He knows exactly how to belittle his enemies, turning his words into weapons just as effective as his machines. The contrast between Doom’s intellectual arrogance and Hulk’s brute force is what makes this interaction so entertaining. It also showcases Doom’s biting wit, proving that his genius isn’t just in science but also in psychological warfare. The moment is a standout example of why Doom remains one of Marvel’s greatest villains.


“I Don’t Know How Many More Times… I Can Say Goodbye To You.”

Betty Ross To Bruce In Season 1, Episode 9 “Mortal Bounds”

Bruce talking to Betty in The Incredible Hulk animated series

After Bruce helps cure a deadly disease, he shares a tender moment with Betty in the hospital. Their peace is short-lived, howvere, as the sound of approaching helicopters signals that Bruce must go into hiding once again. As they part ways, Betty utters this heart-wrenching line, fully aware that their love is doomed by circumstance: “I Don’t Know How Many More Times… I Can Say Goodbye To You.”


10 Iconic MCU Events That Already Happened Years Earlier In Marvel’s Animated Shows

Some of the most iconic moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe have been depicted years prior as part of Marvel’s shared animated universe.

Betty’s words carry a deep sorrow, encapsulating the tragedy of their relationship in The Incredible Hulk. It is one of the most emotionally powerful moments in the series. It perfectly conveys the pain of loving someone who can never stay, reinforcing the show’s central theme of isolation. Betty’s quiet heartbreak resonates with anyone who has ever had to say a painful goodbye. It’s a line that lingers long after the episode ends, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices Bruce must make to protect those he loves in The Incredible Hulk.

The Incredible Hulk (1996)

The Incredible Hulk

Release Date

1996 – 1997




Ernesto Lopez, Tom Tataranowicz, Richard Trueblood, Dick Sebast


Bob Forward, Meg McLaughlin, John Semper Jr., Douglas Sloan, Len Wein, Steve Granat, Greg Johnson

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Lou Ferrigno

    Jennifer Walters / She-Hulk (voice)

  • Headshot Of Neal McDonough In The Los Angeles premiere of 'The Shift'

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